Friday, March 9, 2007

"Chandy...we got our miracle"

I think I always knew the day would come when I would be writing this exact blog. I just didn't know it would come so soon. My heart wasn't ready. The past year has been a series of emotional experiences for me. I graduated college and left my friends behind, sent a boyfriend off to war, ended a long-term relationship, began a new job and moved in with my parents. Despite all that, without a doubt, this has been the hardest thing emotionally.

To get the full story of what I'm talking about, read Ron's blog. I just want to share a small part of the story that means the most to me. Osvaldo is a staple at the mission. If I don't seem him at least once during the day, I know something is wrong. I have known Osvaldo for about 4 years. In those four years we have spent a lot of one-on-one time praying. When he was 11, we prayed for him to be a good big brother and help at home. When he was 12, we prayed that he would make good friends in middle school, at 13 we prayed for him to stay out of trouble on the streets and at 14.. our prayers completely changed. We prayed that one day his family could be together again. Many times we specifically prayed for a miracle. Last May his mother was deported to Mexico leaving behind a husband, 20 year old son, 14 year old son, 8 year old daughter and 4 year old son. At the time she was 3 months pregnant, so they now have a new brother.

This past November I sat down one day and talked with Osvaldo. He told me how he was illegal here in the states and therefore couldn't cross the border to see his mom or he would be stuck. We knew that because of the current political situation there wasn't a chance he could get a visa anytime during the next 3 years. We prayed for a miracle. That Thursday night in bible study time with the youth we all prayed for a miracle for Osvaldos family. On Saturday I got a phone call from Osvaldo, "Chandy, a visa came in the mail for me today!" Apparently his mother had applied for a visa for him years earlier before all the turmoil had happened. He didn't even know about it. And it just happened to show up on Saturday. Osvaldo got to reunite with his mom on Christmas day after nearly 8 months apart. That was Osvaldo's first prayer miracle.

Fast forward to last Tuesday night. Osvaldo comes down to Rock Island and tells us that his family will leave this weekend, for good. They can't stand to have their family apart anymore. Their family has been told by numerous immigration attorneys there isn't a chance in the world his mom will ever get a visa and if she does it will be at least 5 years. Osvaldo doesn't want to go because he knows there won't be any school and at the age of 14 he will begin a manual labor job that will last him a lifetime. I spring into action with my own plan, thinking that if I can just adopt him then he can stay here. Ha. "Hi, I'm Chandy, a twenty-two year old single missionary with a 14 year-old mexican son!" God was probably laughing when he saw me thinking this. His plan was so much bigger. His dad didn't agree and Wednesday afternoon we spent time with Osvaldo and his little brother and sister before hugging them bye. They left for Mexico Wednesday evening. When you see a teen who is normally tough on the streets in an uncontrollable sob, you will know what it's like to have a broken heart. All day Wednesday I prayed and asked people all over Oklahoma and Texas to interceed for his family. I wouldn't be over-estimating to say there might have been up to 1000 people praying for his family that day. We prayed for a miracle. Thursday morning I receive a call from Osvaldo. I was surprised to hear his voice... "Chandy, we're at the border, we're safe." I was glad that he had called and sad at the same time.. I got a lump in my throat just hearing his voice. "Chandy...something else"... I wait... I am embarrassed to say that I expected the worst.. even after all the prayers. "Chandy... the immigration attorney called this morning and INS is going to have a hearing next month to let my mom back in the country.. we got our miracle". Chills covered my whole body and I started to cry.. I asked him to repeat it again. I wasn't sure if I heard him right. He repeated the same thing again. This attorney had no idea that his family was leaving the country, yet he calls right in the middle of their departure. Osvaldo's voice was shaking.. I know in that moment the power of the Spirit was waking him up. If you don't believe in miracles and the mighty power of our Lord to fix anything... you are officially banned from reading my blog.

I don't know what's going to happen now. I know for a fact that they are going to stay with his mom in Mexico until she can get back in. I may never see the Hernandez family again, but I sure hope I do. I do know one thing... God took a completely bleak situation and stole the heart of a teenager in Northwest Oklahoma City. I know one day I will see that huge grin in heaven. He brings hope to the hopeless, strength to the weary and love to the broken!