Wednesday, March 21, 2007

All about me.

I found myself being very overwhelmed yesterday. We opened the Rock Island House for Spring Break. What was intended to be a couple of hours for middle school/high school ended up being 4 hours for all ages. In all we spent time with well over 60 kids. For the first hour I was by myself, it was 1 vs 60 and I was very frustrated. I tried not to clue the kids in on my stress as I made hot dogs and tacos for all.

At the end of the day I went home and collapsed. I was grumpy and exhausted and as I was sprawled out on my couch I started to think... only a few months ago I remember praying that God would send new kids for us to minister to. He has definitely answered that prayer and blessed us more than we can ask or imagine. A huge guilt swept over me... so many times I pray specific prayers and God answers them in obvious ways. Instead of spending time praising God for his blessing, I move on to the next thing on my prayer list. It's almost like I present a shopping list to God of everything I need, as he anwers them I check them off and say thanks and then move on.

Is that really the way it should be? The Creator of the Universe listens to me and blesses me and I just give him a quick glance. I'm going to try to spend an entire week, from today until next Wednesday, spending my prayer time praying thanks and praise. I wonder if it's possible to put aside "me" and what I want for an entire week. It's a good challenge to try...spend an entire week using your prayer time to just praise and thank the Lord. I'm going to try it but I have a feeling in a few days something will come up and it will go back to me. Ok...that's my rant for the day. I'm out.