Sunday, May 13, 2007

My fear.

This weekend has been filled with lots of praying and lots of worrying for me. God has brought me to a point where I feel completely helpless and must call on Him to fix it all! For those of you who haven't been keeping up with the news....this past week Oklahoma passed the "most sweeping immigration legislation" in the US. It basically pledges to deport all illegals and keep them from getting any public or private assistance such as soup kitchens or clothing stores. To some extent it even prevents churches from helping illegals in any way. I'm very upset about it. To put it bluntly, as I always do, it makes me mad that the suits at the capitol pass a law without every seeing the people that it affects. If they had to look in the faces of the children whose parents are being deported, they might think differently.

I have gotten a lot of questions this week from people who are wondering how this bill (House Bill 1804) is going to affect us. The truth is, I don't have a clue. But I do have a fear. My fear is that people will be getting deported by the dozens. That in itself will be a tragedy, but what some people don't know is that the majority of the kids in our neighborhood were born here in the US and are citizens. However, their parents are not and came here illegally as many as 20 years ago. These families will be faced with a tough issue. Take their kids back to Mexico with them where there is no education or health care, or leave their children here with neighbors and friends. Perhaps the issue that keeps me up at night is the fact that at the end of this summer there could be dozens of children abandoned in the US with the hopes of making their family proud someday or maybe even finish their education and make enough money to send back to Mexico for their relatives. Where will these kids go? Who will they stay with? Who will take pictures of them on prom night or sit in the crowd and cheer as they walk across the stage to receive their diploma?

In James chapter 1 we are called to take care of widows and orphans. Because of that call I know that Cross & Crown has now entered into a new realm of ministry that we have no clue about. But if God leads us there, He will provide the rest. I may be 23 and single, but I'm not opposed to having a few kids by myself if I'm called to do so. Some may call me crazy, but I'm sure people once thought the apostles were crazy. I ask for everyone to pray for the orphans I fear will come from this HEARTLESS law. Pray for Ron, Luke and I as we go into some 50-60 homes in the next few weeks and reassure these terrified families that their children will never go hungry or be without a home.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27


eshipley said...

Love you and your heart. You know I am all for adoption. Call us!