Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm not alone anymore.

In the past few months we have had over 20 baptisms, and I'm pretty sure I can remember the names of almost all those people, but I want to share a precious story about "Gena", because her baptism is the one that will stick with me for a long time.

A little over a year ago a young woman stumbled into our Monday morning spanish bible study. She looked worn out and had everything she possessed in her car with her, including her two sons. They had just escaped from a horribly abusive home and had absolutely no where to go. They had heard about the bible study from a friend of a friend and didn't know a soul. That very first Monday with her little boys sitting by her side "Gena" shared her story with the entire bible class, and that very first Monday the women in the class passed around a bucket and gave her everything they had. These are women that come to the mission to get food so that they can feed their family and they were giving all their spare change to a complete stranger... that is love.

That was a year ago, since then "Gena" has gotten back on her feet with a job and a home for her children and she hasn't missed bible study since. She has formed a special bond with Suzanne and always comes bearing gifts like cookies and chocolates. This past Monday "Gena" decided to commit her life to Christ and be baptized. There were around 50-75 women there to witness her special moment. Women who a year ago had been strangers, but today are her best friends and accountability partners. Moments before Gena stepped into the baptistry, she knelt before her two sons (ages 7 and 8) in front of the entire sanctuary and apologized to them. She apologized for letting them be abused and not standing up, she apologized for their physical and mental scars, she pleaded with them to forgive her and give her a fresh start... and through many tears the little family hugged and committed to a new life in Jesus Christ.

After every baptism Pauls asks people how they feel and then he writes it in the back of his bible. When he asked Gena she said, "I'm not alone anymore". What special words from a special person. It's amazing how the Lord works. He takes people who are coming to us for something physical (food, clothes, etc.) and He overwhelms them so much with his love that they can't help but leave completely changed. That's good.


Bonniebeewester said...

I just cry everytime I hear this story. What a powerful lesson she has taught me :)