Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"He was bwave and got battized"

I'm not sure I even have the words or emotional strength to write a blog today. But I know the Lord is leading me to. So I will make this short. How can I not write about such an amazing victory?!?! Luke and Ron will probably each have their own stories about what happened, but I will share my part.

Today two of our most unexpected teens accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and were baptized. I could explain the journey with these two as a very difficult one. I feel like they are both glaciers that we have been trying to melt with a hair dryer. In the past few weeks though, the Lord has brought a wild fire to those glaciers and completely changed things. It's powerful!

My part of the story is about the first boy who was baptized. He is 14 and has two brothers who are 3 and 5. Yesterday he asked that we pray his little brothers wouldn't have to suffer the life he has. He has lived more in his 14 years than most people could imagine. Abuse, drugs, gangs, poverty... everything! We begged God to intervene and save his brothers, we prayed that he could be a good example and leader in his house.

Today I saw a glimpse of the way God is going to answer that prayer. Before the baptisms we walked down the street and picked up one of the little brothers.. the 5 year old. We then walked back up to the church and this little child witnessed his older brother confess the name of the Lord and be washed in Jesus' blood. The picture speaks for itself. The little boy never said anything the entire time... he was captivated by his brother's example. Afterwards I asked him, "do you know what your brother just did?"... and he said in his tiny voice "he was bwave and got battized" (he was brave and got baptized). I couldn't have said it better myself. Brave cannot begin to explain his brother. Because of his decision he will most likely face ridicule and harrassment from his friends, family and members of the gang he is in. But he stepped up anyway! I don't think he even realized that the Lord began answering his prayer today. He didn't notice those little eyes peeking over the baptistry and that little heart getting it's first glimpse of the power of the Lord.

Savior he can move the mountains.. My God is MIGHTY TO SAVE He is MIGHTY TO SAVE.
Forever, author of salvation.. He rose and CONQUERED THE GRAVE JESUS CONQUERED THE GRAVE!